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The Chimes is a monthly magazine (other than January & August) published and delivered free of charge to every household in the villages that we serve.

The Chimes distributes in South Herefordshire to the villages and hamlets of Aston Crews, Aston Ingham*, Bromsash, Gorsley*, Kilcot, Lea*, Linton*, Phocle Green, and Upton Bishop*, together with their surrounding areas, a total of 1,500 copies are hand-delivered to homes & key venues (pubs & village halls) in our area each month.

The ethos of the Chimes is to be recognised as the provider to our readers, of news and information by our villagers, about our villages. “A local magazine for local people”!

All of our current advertisements are featured on this website and “Hot Keys” automatically link to our advertisers’ web sites and email – just click on the advert or on a web or email address & you will be there!

Rob the Rainman



From The Rector

Center Pages

Church Services

Historical Blog

Things Around Us




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