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Augusts’ total was 24.8mm, only 43% of the average so the dryer theme of the second half of July continued. The month started off very warm and, overall, it was on average a warmer month. Not wall to wall as sunny days were interspersed with cloudy and dull days, a lowering sky, this being a feature of the summer. Bits and bobs of rain throughout the month, most notable was 6.7mm on the 13th. And a named storm, Lillian, on the 22nd. We escaped the rain but the strength of the wind combined with trees in full leaf was enough to bring some down.The total rainfall for the summer was 102.6mm and this was just 64% of the average; it was about the same as 2022 and 26mm less than 2023. That may come as a surprise as we have all been complaining about our poor summer this year. It was a summer of two halves; the first saw 70% of the rain with cool days and even cooler nights and very little sun – those lowering skies predominating. Even on sunny days too many light evenings turned cloudy and dull. The second half was dryer and warmer but unfortunately we never got a prolonged period of lovely summer weather. And, of course, it followed a very wet autumn, winter and an awful spring which needed a lovely summer which it wasn’t.  

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