Novembers’ total was 97mm this being 35% more than average. It was mainly dry for the first half of the month but the cloudy weather of the last 4 days of October continued for a further 10 days and so this was a dull, misty at times, calm and mild period; an anticyclonic gloom said the experts. Finally it moved away and we saw the sun again on the 11th. It then turned colder with snow on the 18th and 19th and overnight frost. This was broken by Storm Bert on the 23rd and 24th, a deep, slow moving, mild low which gave just over 50mm of rain causing more flooding. Storm Conlan was on the 26th but a non event for us. Decembers’ total was 56.1mm and a somewhat dryer month as this was 25% less that the average. No prolonged dry spell but the weather feature was Storm Darragh on the 6th and 7th. Thankfully, there wasn’t much rain but it gave a prolonged period of very high winds causing damage to trees and property. The wettest day was the 18th (18mm). Not surprisingly the year was 40% wetter that average and that, coupled with the many dull, grey days when it was dry, meant that it was a very poor weather year indeed.