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Vicar - David Howell Detail on PDF copy on home page, Church Warden - Jane Ayres Detail on PDF copy on home page
The church is open every day - a quiet space for all to enjoy.

LEGO@UB CLUB Saturday 7th September, 10.30 - 11.30am alongside the Market Van and Coffee Morning. All children are welcome with a responsible adult. 50p per child which includes squash and biscuits. For more information, ring Jane on Detail on PDF copy on home page

UPTON BISHOP WI Tuesday 10th September, 8-9 pm £5. Join us for a talk from author Maddy Please on her novels about inspirational women making the most of their lives.  An attitude shared by the WI and we'd like to share the evening with you too. The Upton Bishop Womens Institute have changed venues to The Community Hub, Jacoblin Lane, St. Marys Garden Village HR9 7 QJ. So the talk on September 10th will be at the new venue, You don't have to be a member (or a woman) to come along. There will be refreshments for sale and a large free car park. In October we'll be having a talk and workshop about quilting. For more information contact Frances Detail on PDF copy on home page

SOCIAL AFTERNOON Monday 16th September, 2.30 till 4.30pm. We do hope you will join us for a cup of tea and some home-made cake.

INDOOR SHORT-MAT BOWLS Tuesday 17th September, 7-9pm, £2 per person including tea/coffee and biscuits. All abilities very welcome. Contact Dave Powell Detail on PDF copy on home page

COMING SOON in the Millennium Hall:

THE MILLENNIUM HALL AGM will be held on Thursday 10 October 6.30 – 7.45pm There are vacancies for Trustees so if you would like to be involved, please contact the Secretary. The closing date for application is 3rd October, one week before the meeting.

HARVEST SUNDAY 20th October as part of our Harvest Weekend in the Millennium Hall and at the church. 10.30am Informal Sunday worship. 12 Midday Forest of Dean Morris dancing. From 12.30pm Harvest lunch: soup and a roll with apple or pumpkin puddings. Carved pumpkin competition judged by popular vote. Crafts, fun and games. No charge but donations towards expenses would be welcome. Harvest Hymns in the church on Friday 18th October.

200 CLUB DRAW FOR JULY £20 Richard Wainman £10 Charles Curry £5 Ann Sharland
FOR AUGUST £20 George Pendlebury £10 Olivier Simpson £5 Malcolm Ives

WOMEN’S CIRCLE Offering a safe, non-judgemental space for women to connect, heal and learn from each other. Open to all women. Please contact Amy to enquire: Detail on PDF copy on home page

WELCOME to Peter and Jenny George at The Vines and to Ashlee and Claire Lambe of Woodhouse Lane.

BEST WISHES Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is not too well, is undergoing or waiting for treatment at present. 

Thank you to Terry and Janet, the cast and helpers for laying on the Midsummer Madness. Much fun was had by all. One member of the audience declared afterwards ‘I laughed so much my sides ached.’ We raised £301 towards a kitchen unit for the church vestry.
Thank you to everyone who made the Fete such a success: to all who generously donated items for the great Raffle hamper prizes and for the Tombola; to everyone who made and baked for the Produce stall and for Teas; to the team who entertained everyone with games and competitions and to the teas and ice cream crew. The Cake Competition was won by the Misselbrook Dachshunds with the Ayres Golden Retriever as runner-up and a special prize to Rebecca Howell’s soft dog. In a change from Guess the Weight of the Cake, the correct, or almost correct weight of the fuchsia was guessed by James Bonney (one ounce out!), of the begonia by Debbie Woods and the Aloe Vera by Jack Guest. The large jar of sweets was won by Jan, our Fete Strummer, who guessed the exact number; Richard Wainman won the small jar, he was only one sweet out. More than £900 was raised for church funds.
Thank you to Moira Please, who held a tea party for the launch of her latest book Old Girls on Deck (an amusing read for those of us of a certain age) in aid of church funds. If anyone would be willing to hold a similar event, the PCC would be very grateful. In 2023 it cost £746.88 per week to run the church.

LEGO@UB Club has been running since May and has been great fun. I’ve been amazed at the creativity of some of our members. We’ve been building cars, robots, even an airport. Thanks to the generosity of the Parish Council, we’ve been able to buy some new base boards, pull back car chassis and lots more bricks. There’s plenty for everyone, so do come and join in on the first Saturday of each month from 10.30 -11.30am. We have Duplo for little fingers too.

Come and join Keep Fit The class is designed to help improve your fitness, strength, balance and co-ordination to some great music! You work at your own pace and the first session is free. After that, the cost is £6 per session for a block monthly booking and £8.00 per session pay as you go.
The hall has regular events and classes. There is plenty for everyone: Baby Sensory, Badminton, Yoga, Tango, Ross Quilters, Little Swallows. 

THE UPTON BISHOP CHRISTMAS FAYRE Saturday 7th December, 10am. It seems a long way off still but it’s not too early to start planning: if you would like to help or to run a stall of your own, please contact Olivia Detail on PDF copy on home page


Any parishioner can contact the UBPC at Parish Council meeting minutes are available on the Parish Council website.

There have been two Parish Council meetings since the last Chimes update. The meeting on 25th June was attended by five councillors and by members of the public.

The council considered two planning applications (240124 and 241275 Upton Court Stables) and supported the applications.

The council received an update on Parish finances and agreed to pay the salary for the clerk and payments to the Lengthsman.  The council agreed to grant a donation to the parish Lego Club for £100. The clerk briefed the council on the Annual Accountability Return (AGAR), including approving the Publication of Rights for the period 1 July – 9 August.

The council was briefed on the Lengthsman work plan for July and August and received a Highways update and update from the Footpath officer on Public Rights of Way funding along with planned work around the parish (including replacement of stiles, finger posts, gates, and maintenance work).

On 6th August the Parish Council held an Extraordinary Meeting.  This was attended by all 8 councillors along with members of the public.

The council considered two planning applications (240124 and 241275 Upton Court Stables). These were amended applications published by Herefordshire Council for re-consultation. The council supported the applications.

The council then went into a closed session, without the public present, to consider a legal matter. 

Why not visit for up-to-date news?
NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 3rd September at 7pm.

Lego Club

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