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Hello everyone and welcome back!  I hope you have all had a good break and enjoyed what we had of a summer!  

We have had a rest at the church as well, with no events happening.  However, we are starting to get back into our Autumn and Winter programme and we kick off again with our Pre-Steam-Up Quiz Night on Friday 27th September at Lea Village Hall at 7pm for 7.30pm (see noticeboard and FB page for more details), followed by the Steam-Up at Keef Engineering on Saturday 28th September.  The Steam-Up will take place from 11am - 4.30pm; admission: Adults £8.00 Children £3.00. If needed, alternative parking will be available, with a minibus service to and from the works. Excellent refreshments available!  

It's also that time of year again when the Shoebox Appeal comes around!!  All the churches have leaflets for any of you who would like to complete a box. If you have any queries or would like to arrange a collection of boxes, please ring me, Marion on Detail on PDF copy on home page . The boxes can also be filled online, just go to and follow the links for Operation Christmas Child.  It's great fun to do online, you get to pick what you put in the box! If you do decide to do one online, please can you let me know, so I can include it in the figures. I know these boxes are so appreciated by the children who receive them.  Thank you for your kindness.
Children's Church will be starting again in September on the 4th Sunday of the month.  Our Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday 6th October at 9.30am, all welcome!

God bless everyone,
Marion Martin, Churchwarden


The familiar sounds of steam engines will be echoing around the village again on Saturday 28th September for the Alan Keef Ltd Charity Steam-up and Open Day. With our own steam engines ‘Woto’ and ‘Taffy’ being joined by visiting engine ‘Peter Pan’ taking it in turns hauling the unique ‘Dalmunzie’ shooting carriages for visitors to enjoy. Why not come along, take a ride and a look around our workshops to see what we’re working on. With a locomotive and carriages nearing completion for a new railway in Scotland, there’ll be several other ‘live’ projects to see too; hot and cold refreshments and enthusiasts’ stalls to browse whilst a group of three visiting traction engines, including the ‘Coleford Trotter’, will be demonstrating what they can do. The Line House garden will be open for those looking for a quiet corner to relax and enjoy the stunning view of the village and across to Lea Bailey. Parking arrangements are yet to be finalised due to the crop still being on our usual field used for cars, so please visit nearer the date to see final arrangements, or take a stroll through the fields from the centre of the village. All proceeds for this renowned event go to Lea Church! Entrance fee is adults £8, children £3. We look forward to seeing you!
Nicky Keef


I have arranged an autumn Play Session during the October half term for children who live in Lea. We are hoping to hold it at the Rudhall View play field in the afternoon of Thursday 31st October, with Halloween the theme. Please add this date to your calendar, and further information, plus poster, will be available in the next issue of The Chimes. Funding has been secured from the Nourse Charity.
Sylvia Nicholls


The hall is continuing to have a pleasing number of bookings. We have had excellent feedback from a wedding party recently, which was very good to hear. To see what we have to offer please visit our website

Following my request for new members to join the management committee, I’m pleased to say that we have two new volunteers who will join us at our September meeting. The invite still stands for anyone else you would like to join us. There is, however, the vacancy for a new booking secretary. Since the sad loss of our dear friend Anne Vaudin earlier in the year we have relied on our secretary Liz Reeson to take on both of the roles. She has done the job admirably, but we now feel we need someone else to take on the role of booking events at the hall.

The role is not too onerous and full training will be given. For someone who is looking to join in village life and make new friends and acquaintances I feel there is no better opportunity. Liz and myself are more than happy to meet with anyone who may be interested, to outline what the post entails, no pressure. Please call me on Detail on PDF copy on home page 

The café will be open again as usual on the first Wednesday of the month, September 4th at 10.00 – 11.30am at the village hall.  Come along and enjoy a warm welcome, tea, coffee, delicious cake and a chat.  Meet with friends, neighbours and make new friends; all are welcome.  If you'd like to have a chat about coming along contact Gill Davis Detail on PDF copy on home page 

The LRA returns after its summer break with the regular monthly bingo starting on 18th of September and 16th of October. As always, we are in the village hall from 7.00 pm, with eyes down at 7.30 pm. All are welcome.

After the summer break the lunch club reconvenes in September. We look forward to seeing everyone again on the last Wednesday of the month, September 25th from 12.30-2.30pm. It is worth booking your place for this very popular event - contact Nicky Keef - Detail on PDF copy on home page 

Winners for June - 1st - Tracy Ballinger, 2nd - Sally Watkins, 3rd - Marion Martin
And for July - 1st - Peggy Bowers, 2nd - Nicola Yeomans, 3rd - Jane Meadows

Meet each Friday, 9.00am– 12.00pm in the village hall. All abilities are welcome. Contact Di Brice on Detail on PDF copy on home page 



With Autumn fast approaching are you thinking it would be good to grow some of your own produce? Why not join us at Lea Garden Allotments, a small group of gardeners committed to "growing their own" and enjoying the fresh air, open space and like-minded company.
There are a couple of vacant plots that are cleared, ready to start either as a whole plot or split for a half plot, depending on your needs and time available.   
We have had a very productive Spring and Summer, lots of vegetables, fruit and flowers being harvested daily and lots more growing ready to use during the autumn and winter months.
If you have a few hours to spare every week and enjoy gardening but don't have the space to grow much at home, why not come and have a chat.
Contact Dawn or Graham for more details, or to arrange a visit and view the available plots. Email   Detail on PDF copy on home page 


Play and Chat enjoyed a fantastic picnic in the park during the holidays; our thanks to PC Ben and partner for bringing a police van for the children and adults to explore, also to Rob from Hope Ash Farm for sending Sam with a big blue tractor and to Rachel for her artistic face painting. Over 60 children attended, thank you everyone for your support. 
Play and Chat will be back on Friday 6th September 9.00 - 10.30am in Lea Primary school hall. Come along and meet and make friends and enjoy tea and coffee while the children play in a safe warm space, everyone is welcome. 

DATE FOR THE DIARY...Table sale... Pre-loved children's clothes, toys and equipment... SATURDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER 11.00 - 2.00pm, Lea Village Hall; contact Carolyn to book your table Detail on PDF copy on home page 


This new session takes place each Thursday at 11:45 - 12:45 pm at the village hall.  As Treasurer of Lea Village Hall, I decided to see for myself just what the new Keep Fit class is all about, so I joined in this week. Well, not what I expected, and not ONE person from our village present. Why not? Perhaps locals are expecting to see energetic people bouncing to loud music, but this isn’t the case. The whole idea is to see what you can do, to maintain mobility for the future, and if its already impaired how you can improve matters.
People who know me will be aware that I move speedily, go swimming regularly and walk a great deal as I don’t drive. But I also had polio aged one year when I was totally paralysed, but I overcame it by sheer determination. That’s what I am still doing.
So please consider coming along to a session and find out how you can help yourself. First session is FREE, and both men and women are welcome.
Sylvia Nicholls

Up to date information is normally available at but, until a new Clerk is brought onboard and settled into the task, the information will not be all that it should be unfortunately. You can continue to make contact via

ELECTION: in order to fill a vacancy for a Parish Councillor, Lea Parish Council intended to co-opt a new member at a routine council meeting scheduled to take place on Wednesday 4th September. This being the usual procedure and incurring no cost to the parish. However, as permitted, a notice in writing was made by an elector to Herefordshire Council calling for an election and this has now been scheduled to take place on Thursday 12th September 2024. As a result, co-option is not possible and the quite significant election costs will all be charged to Lea Parish Council to be settled out of precept funds provided by Lea parishioners.

Applications for inclusion as an election candidate or register to vote must have been made prior to publication of the September edition of The Chimes.

By the time of publication, a speed indicator device provided by Lea Parish Council should be in operation next to the A40 in the vicinity of The Oaks. This is intended to be rotated to other sites periodically. 

A significant sum has been earmarked by Herefordshire Council to use S106 funds to undertake a soft traffic calming scheme within the village. It is hoped to start work before Christmas, however Lea Parish Council has questioned why parts of the village have been left out of the scheme and it would be sensible not to elaborate further until final go ahead is confirmed.

The other important matter to note is that Lea Parish Council does not have a Parish Clerk currently and the search for an appropriate person to fill the vacancy is ongoing as a matter of urgency.


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